Thank you Train Wreck for this award!
The other day, I received this award from Cowboys, Kids and Sunsets @ She told me she had something for me and apologized ... " it's not a vacation on a nice beach! Where the only studs there are cabana boys!!" That's OK...because this is so much more from the heart and deeply appreciated! Thank you Train Wreck, for making my day so much better!
I just discovered this blogging thing about 5 weeks ago, and I have "met" so many wonderful people already! I love to go 'visiting' and see how the rest of the world lives!
So, accoring to the rules, I must choose 5 people to pass this along to. It's tough, because I'm just getting to know so many of you and I enjoy every one of your blogs! (I'm not as literate as Train Wreck so I'll just get to the nitty-gritty!)
First, I want to pass it along to "The Front Porch" @ . This young Mom was one of the first people I met here and come to find out, she only lives a few hours away. Some day I hope to meet her in person. She's had some Trials in her life and she has remained strong and witty! Despite the dedication & lack of sleep having a newborn, she finds humor in her days. I miss her when she is not adding another chuckle to my day!
Second, goes to "Professor" @ known as a "Babbler" ...I love her daily pictures of Just Life...there in the Middle of Nowhere Montana. They reflect the simplicity of life that Montana is all about. I've experienced life there, so I am luck to be reminded daily, just how much I miss that country!
She's a big city gal who decided to uproot & try a little remote town, teaching our younger generation. I applaud all teachers! They are creating our future in the children. I applaud Professor!
Third...well, this one will probably bah-humbug me, for sure.......but's for you!! I know he's a cattleman and often I wonder if his blog was created as a diversion from the everyday life. "In Depth & Perception" @ is the name I've given LL, as he thinks 'outside the box'. He really tested my brain soon after I started this blog. He recognized something in me that he was familiar with in his upbringing....and he raised a question in myself that I hadn't really thought of before. Because of him...I have been more willing to write 'from my heart' , to be honest with all I write about. (Not sure if that a good thing...but it is what it is now.)
Fourth, I would like to select "TheHappyWoman" @ She provides insight in helping women, through horses & nature, to deal with life, love and happiness, to become more fulfilled in your life. She also, stirred my brain! I had to think pretty hard how to answer her questions as I have just lived life without thinking how I was juggling all aspects! She lives in a beautiful place south of France, and I envy her fortitude and dedication. She has become a very dear friend to me.
Fifth, I am selecting a lady who's blog is filled with so much fun & useful information "The Razor Family" @ She is a busy, busy lady with wonderful recipes, an Etsy site for her creations and has such a huge, warm heart! Her and her hubby are trying to adopt...and they wish they could adopt them all! It shows how big & beautiful her heart truly is! They are also military...I have a special place in my heart for military families, as our son is part of that 'family' serving to protect us, so we can all blog! (he is USMC - Inactive Reserve Ready status these days).
There are so many sites I just don't-won't- wait to read...with slow dial up and so many wonderful pictures to be seen, some just take way too long to load....I do however wait for Lacy's and TrainWreck's! They are well worth the wait!
There are a lot of people who deserve this more than I...and some have already received it! I wish I could send it to everyone I've discovered in the Blogsosphere.
The designer of this award has asked that the following be passed along with it:
The origin of the Arte y Pico Award "This prize has arisen from the daily visits that I dedicate to many blogs which nourish me and enrich me with creativity. In them, I see dedication, creativity, care, comradeship, but mainly, ART, much art. I want to share this prize with all those bloggers that entertain me day to day and to share this prize with those who enrich me every day. Doubtlessly, there are many and it will be hard to pick just a few. The people I will name today deserve this prize, as do the very long serious list of bloggers I also enjoy to read. But I will name the first 10 and leave the rest of the work to all the bloggers that visit other's blogs and are nourished by them."Here are the rules, if you decide to pass the award further to remarkable blogs in blogosphere worth to mention.
The rules:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award through creativity, design, interesting material, and also contributes to the blogger community, no matter of language.
2. Each award should have the name of the author with a link to their blog.
3. Award winners have to post the award with the name and link to the blog of the person who gave them the award.
4. Please include a link to the “Arte Y Pico” blog so that everyone will know where the award came from.
5. Show these rules.Thank you!!
11 hours ago
An award?! For moi?!
Yay!!! I love today! Love that you'd pass this on to me.
Thank you so much!
I'm looking forward to passing it along, can't keep a good thing all to myself. (Much as I'd like to...)
Also looking forward to meeting you in person too one day!
For me?? Really!! You are just too sweet!
I am so touched!
Thank you so much for your lovely words and for thinking of our site. When I read what you wrote, I was in tears.Josh read it too!
Blessings and thanks!
Literate! No honey it's just spell check! I love you blog I would've though you had been doing this for years! As a matter I thought you had been!! See how goood you are! "Nanny" I get it!! LMAO! Boy he'd heal up quick here!! You deserve a nann...A YARD man!! I love all your tools, made me laugh so hard! I have that same set!! I also have been known to use an old butter knife!! (Dandelions) You are an awesome friend, and I love checkin in makin sure your not on "vacation" LOL! Love ya
PS You deserve that award!!
Now don't go blamin' me for you using your brain. I'm gonna wager you were using it long before I was even born... ;)
And I won't bah-humbug you... yet. :P
LL~ LONG? before you were born? Watch it...I'm not ancient history yet!
Sarah & Lacy~I was so happy to pass this on to you both! You deserve it as you both, are amazing women! And your hubbys are lucky fellows, hope they realize it!
THANK YOU so much!!! That's so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prof~ I do admire you! The life you have chosen, and I love the tidbits coming from MT daily!...You are MORE than welcome!
Gosh, what can I say in reply to such kind and encouraging words ... Thank you! I'm trying to figure out how it works, I don't know why but the past few days my brain isn't functioning as it should. Information seems to come in with a delay. The other blogs you nominated look very interesting, some of them I've visited but other ones I'm gonna have a look around. Gosh, I would love to have a cup of coffee with you! Or to go for a ride in the woods ... I'll bring my mare Chexy along!
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