Where's the song ~~ "Don't let your daughters grow up to marry a Cowboy" ?

​​​​​​​Life is tough! Requires hard physical work, long, long days of pain, dirt, and broken fingernails.​
​Days of frigid cold & scorching heat; through the dust & mud; daybreak into the darkness of nite~~​
​the heart & body becomes toughened & weathered replicating leather!​
​A forever constant factor for a real Cowboy's Wife is tons of sweat, oceans of tears and a constant 'drought' in the wallet!​
​​​​​​​​​IF​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ she wants to spend anytime at all with her Cowboy, she must do as he does, you become partners!​
​​​​​​Kick off your boots, grab a cup of coffee, sit back and envision yourself in my life!​
​... It really isn't that bad! There are many rewards to be had to make it a great lifestyle! ...​ ​​​​​​​

Monday, August 18, 2008

Git'er Done!

...when the pickings 'er ripe!


One batch of pickled beans...
....and more to get done!

(gotta get these done....& more Salsa... as a short week from now, Son will be heading East to Fargo! We will be swapping out jars... he brings the empties & I replenish with a fresh supply!) ...(and yes..many tears from ol' Mom will be smothered with humongous hugs from him...)
Hmmmm...wondering how he intends to get my empties back to me?

First Salsa of the year!

Tomatoes are really strutting their stuff....
for the grasshoppers & bunnies!
Just hope they leave enough for me....can't let the Son have ALL our Salsa!

Carrots, Beets, Tomatoes...

(Despite the "Invasion of the Bugs"...some are actually making it to the pantry shelves!)

And more beans.....

They are just starting to come on strong! Hopefully, we won't get an early frost before I have all we need put up! Two years ago that happened, & I was NOT a happy camper!

So.............this is my story & I'm sticking to it!


LatigoLiz said...

Wow. I am impressed! May I ask how you did your salsa? Did you precook the salsa or put the pico de gallo in the jar and then it only cooked when in the processor? Did you pressure process or only boiling water bath process?

Great pictures!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

hm-m-m-m-m you have been a busy girl ! Looks so good , and it will taste good this winter too .

Amanda said...

I need to quit eating my Vegas maters and put some up. Please let us know how you do this. My other veggies decided to be just ornamentals this year.

Jenn said...

busy busy bee!

Plowing and Sowing said...

Just stopping by. Train Wreck gave me your address. Very nice blog. I will back to check in. Take care.

LL said...

Mothers... I need to start calling you the LRH (little red hen) don't I...

Sarah said...

Oh my, that salsa looks amazing!

Cactus Jack Splash said...

How cool! When I was little I used to can with my grandmother. No excuse not to do it now, just too lazy I guess. I am thinking now that I am 50 I should can with my grandkids after reading this post

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your veggies & salsa look so good!

For years I have been wanting to do some canning, but have never taken it any further than thinking about it.

My parents and grandparents on both sides canned everything they could. Unfortunately, nobody taught me how to do it. Maybe it's time to pick up a cookbook and learn.

wordmama said...

Now Barb - that's just a tease! You can't share with us those pictures of your beautiful bounty and not share the recipes too! I've been drowning in yellow beans this year and my tomatoes are just starting to turn. I'd love your salsa and yellow bean canning tips!

Sarah said...

I love your veggies vicariously. Totally jealous. Please do share your process...

Sage said...

That looks a stunning display of your hardwork and gardening skills.. and the salsa looks great as well.

Renie Burghardt said...

Hey Barb,

Your jars of veggies and salsa look so good! I bet it gives you such a good feeling of self satisfaction, every time you look at them. I remember they did me. I no longer can, except for putting up a few jars of pickles. I do freeze some veggies, and mostly eat the fresh tomatoes and cucumbers and zucchini and share some with friends. Canning is too much work for this old gal, these days.

I enjoyed your post and pictures. Have a wonderful day!



Rue said...

Good morning Barb!!

You really need to share that salsa recipe :)

You have been a busy woman, but then again, you're always busy aren't you? ;)

It's good to be home!

DADR rue

Roxie said...

I'm looking forward to making salsa with our tomatoes soon. We didn't like the salsa we made last year and want to try a new recipe. Would you share yours?

Birdie said...

I followed you over from Terri's and now I'm certain I can never live up to your greatness in domesticity! All my cans have labels...*smile*

Anonymous said...

As always, you're doing something I love and miss...
Here in the Rockies, growing veggies is slim to none. It just isn't happening. Dalton says he'll build me a green house and while it won't be the same, it will at least be something I can stuff into jars.
Your canned goods look delicious. I'm VERY jealous!!! *grin
I guess when I sacrificed the heat, I sacrificed having a garden. *pout

Cheryl Ann said...

Oh, gosh! Those pics remind me of my grandma! She used to can during the summer, too! Yum, yum! Thanks for sharing! It brought back good memories!

Train Wreck said...

WOW WOW you have been busy!! Beautiful too! I love all the colors! I tried canning apples last year... I am afraid to eat them this year!! They don't look as pretty! yikes!

Greyhound Girl said...

This looks so yummy! I love it! I'll be happy to store some for you- on my shelves and into my tummy!