No, not the Mega Millions...or the State one, not even a scratch one!
The "Lottery" I won far exceeds those meaningless types~ by a long shot!!
My "Lottery" winnings will be a memory I will cherish for eternity!
* * *
But...Before I tell you about my "lottery winnings",
Today's post was going to be about us leaving yesterday,
before dark-thirty a.m and returning after dark-thirty p.m.…
missing, by a ‘hair’,
being sucked into a mudslide as we made the long trek to the 'big city', Spokane!
And about their 6 ½ feet of snow in 3 weeks!
And about this winter of white, wet, wild, weather Washington’s been having…
And then~I was going to "brag" about me running barefoot through the green grasses,
sipping lemonade, eating fresh picked strawberries from the garden
...and enjoying a relaxing swim in our newly 'acquired' lake!
* * *
Well, blah, blah, blah…NONE of that holds a candle to today!
* * *
Last night, we stopped and picked our mail up before heading in our driveway.
Last night, we stopped and picked our mail up before heading in our driveway.
It was dark; I shoved the mail in my purse and proceeded through the rest of the evening.
This morning, I got the mail from my purse.
In it was a notice of a parcel, insured no less, which had been attempted to be delivered. Hmmm..what could it be? Did one of the kids walk off with something that
wasn’t theirs after Christmas and were sending it back?
INSURED though? We have nothing of value.
OK…Cowboy said he’d stop at the PO on his way out to give a riding lesson,
since he had to go that way. I told him before he signed for it,
make sure it’s not some gimmick thing or something we
did not need to be a part of….if so? refuse it.
He was not familiar with the return address on this parcel,
He was not familiar with the return address on this parcel,
but it didn’t look like a gimmick thing or junk. It had a personal return address.
He signed for it and set the box in the cab of his pickup, proceededing with his agenda.
After the lesson and some time BS’ing, which he is very good at,
After the lesson and some time BS’ing, which he is very good at,
he headed back towards town. He decided to stop at our little
shrinking general store, hoping they might have some milk.
2 quarts was all they had, but it was better than none.
2 quarts was all they had, but it was better than none.
Of course, he had to buy a pack of candy- Skittles!
As he sat outside opening those sweets, he glanced at this box that was a mystery to him.
Yes, it had MY name on it…but this is a community property state
…and a marriage of “what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine”…
Curiosity got the best of him.
He dug deep into his hip pocket pulling out his pocket knife
…..and slid it through the tape.
Upon lifting one flap…there was a card laying on top...
He immediately knew…..
He immediately knew…..
This box and it’s contents would be something special to me!
This box and it’s contents would be something special to me!
He closed it up and hurried the rest of his 10 mile journey home.
As he entered I heard “Honey…..I’m home!”
As he entered I heard “Honey…..I’m home!”
Carefully…he set the box on the counter with the sweetest smile and said,
“I think you’d better come see this box I brought home!
I do believe it’s from a dear friend of yours!”
Yes Siree Sir! He was right!
Yes Siree Sir! He was right!

What on earth could she be sending me?? I wondered.
I opened the flaps (Cowboy had taken the need for a knife away from me...
yea, that's a good thing since my handling of knives gets me in trouble...)
and what did I see?
A bright red envelope saying "Open me first".
It was a Christmas/Valentine card!
You see TW is a procrastinator too! She said so!
Since she didn't send in time for Christmas,
she decided it could be for Valentines!
She writes...."which is fitting, considering this package is filled with LOVE for you
my dear friend, from Many friends who love you!"

nestled in colored tissue paper and bubble wrap,
there were little treasures to be discovered!
Yes, that bright and sunny yellow box screamed "Open Me!"
...but TW wrote on it "Open me Last" obliged!
There, laying carefully on some bubble wrap, was two matted pictures from
"Gillespie Galleries"! I am truly honored to have her work in my home!
I'm estatic that she'd share them with me!! ~sobbing, sniff, sniff..
(Please forgive my pictures, they are taken from the lost & found camera from the haystack
...sandwiched between fallen layers for 2 weeks in the freezing/snow!
Yea, I know, that is not the real reason for lousy pictures...
it is the person behind the lens, but humor me, Ok?!)

art pieces,
was a mug with
Kim's artwork!
She knows I LOVE
my coffee,
so now each morning,
we can enjoy a
cup "together"!
Cheers TW!!

...tear dropped...
The others, you can't tell probably, but they are little apple candles! The wick is the stem! And since I live in the apple capital of the world state...what else should I have in my home but Apple Candles!! The are the sweetest little candles!! Just for me!!

Wrapped carefully in colored tissue is the coolest Paperweight!
I don't know if someone makes them????
Duh...some one does make them, but I'm not sure if I know that person! Anyhow, it is a 'wordle' with the words:
ME/1)to hold dear 2) to treasure, adore, value, love
3)to keep deeply in my mind
We do have a lot of wind here do you think this is to hold me down?
Or maybe it's to keep me "grounded"...Yea, I think so.
...wiping tear, runny nose...
more tissue please...
Then as I unwrapped deeper, lo and behold is the neatest thing!
Inside the Mason jar, is a package of lentils and peas for making soup.
Tied to the bale in a tiny bag is a stone~heart shaped!
A large heavy soup ladel and a tied scroll telling the story of
Stone Soup! I absolutely love this!! It is sooo ME!

The moral to this story alone, made me cry!
Now, if you remember the second picture, the Yellow Box!
Now, if you remember the second picture, the Yellow Box!
It said to OPEN LAST!
Ok....I honored that instruction.
First thing I saw was this little package of tissue!
All so pretty and dainty with flowers!
"This is not a good sign of what I'm about to read!" I thought...
I'd already soaked my sleeve with tears! Slobbered on every kitchen towel...
Under the tissue is a letter written,
Which I MUST share!

Yep, I would have (gulp) flown!
You are a remarkable woman & I look forward to "meeting" you someday!
Ok, with all that being said, I guess there are a "few" others that Love you a lot too,
because I received & was designated to be the one who sent you all of our "Love".
No one wanted to be named, so don't even ask!!
They all wanted to make sure you knew you mean a lot to them,
and wanted you to have a better New Year!
We Love you and hope this small gift from all of us helps start your New Year off with a bang! Now you will understand the tissue!
No words-We Love You Barb Plain & Simple!"
**sniffling...sniff, sniff...
more tissue please....
Inside the pretty Yellow Sunny box...was NOT the size 8 1/2 shoes it said on the side...
that would have been much too large for me, so that was a good thing. ended up being "too large" anyhow...for my heart!
The tissues got used, Cowboy grabbed another bucket and more towels...
for the rivers flowing down my cheeks were not stoppable by dams...
that would have been much too large for me, so that was a good thing. ended up being "too large" anyhow...for my heart!
The tissues got used, Cowboy grabbed another bucket and more towels...
for the rivers flowing down my cheeks were not stoppable by dams...
Inside, as I opened it, this note popped up that says:
"Because a Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down..."
From your "Blog" Family *heart* was filled with... "Sugar"...!!!!
* * *
Cowboy had to catch me knees went weak
(forget that "tough Ol' Bird" name I failed me today!)
All I paced, as I touched, as I felt dizzy...
overpowered with emotion!
Cowboy kept giving me that sweet smile...and a wink.
He kept telling me that you all love me~
even though I'm someone you all have never met!
He kept telling me that you all love me~
even though I'm someone you all have never met!
And he keept sweetly...patting my hand...
Telling me it's because he is so happy for me!
And he keept sweetly...patting my hand...
Telling me it's because he is so happy for me!
Happy that I have such an awesome 'family' in this blog world!
Happy because through this 'family' I have found here...
Happy because through this 'family' I have found here...
...he's watched me transform into a different person ~All because of you!
He says he notices me not spending as much time worrying,
He says he notices me not spending as much time worrying,
but instead, smiling all of the time because I have all of you!
* * *
I'm really struggling here now, "Family"!
How can I ever thank you?????
How can I ever thank you?????
I have never felt this emotional before!
I am so overwhelmed with joy, with wonderment,
with love for so many people who have touched my life in so many ways
....and I've never met any of you!
I am sooooo truly blessed!
There are not enough words.........
........there is not enough time!
There are not enough words.........
........there is not enough time!
I have the warmest, the largest, the most loving "Family" and
I will forever hold each and everyone of you deep within my heart!
I love you all and thank you for making my life so complete!!
Awwww!!! Trainwreck, you are simply an amazing woman!!!!!!
And WoW--- we DO love you. SO VERY MUCH! (And Cowboy, too!)
Have a wonderful day Dear Lady, and dont scrub your nose too hard! ;)
Far, far, FAR better than a Lottery win, eh Barb? Things to treasure for the rest of your life - how utterly, fabulously wonderful. (Even made me cry, LOL!)
What a wonderful treasure trove! You deserve it.
Barb, you are a treasure to us, so it's fitting that you reeceived some "treasure" back! What a wonderful, supportive community bloggers are!
We all love you so. How fitting...a wonderful gift for a wonderful person! Now, don't rub your nose raw!
How deserved every bit of the "guff" in that package.
There are some hearts so beautiful that you just know without ever having to meet the person, your writing has shared your wonderful strength, and heart and been a treasured gift to all of us as well.Dry your tears lovely lady and enjoy all that green grass!
Much, much better than the lottery.
That's about the most amazing gift I've ever truly are a special woman and deserve every grain of sugar and thought of love given to you. Your 2009 is really starting out right!
What an awesome suprise!! Good thing your Cowboy signed for the package!! You truely have some wonderful friends!!
What a wonderful wonder you had to bawl about it for twenty four hours! You are special! I know I have not followed your blog that long..but I have enjoyed it so much. You are an amazing funny woman..with wonderful friends! :)
What a blessin...God gives us what we need , when we need it!
You are a treasure and a blessing to me!
♥ Glenda
Aw Shucks,it wasn't all me! I am so glad you liked that rusty ol Barbed wire, It was just layin around, I thought what the heck I'll wrap it around a candle... hehe You know I made the paper weight right?? Silly Seester.
Yes you do have many many friends that have taken a "liking to you." I am the one who should be thanking you. I have been so touched by everyone. To see people come together, and yet live so far from one another. To have never met in person yet with only words, be drawn together.To feel such a bond with a person(s) just from the stories they tell and pictures they take. People worry about "meeting people" online. Understandable, there are crazy people out there. I am blessed to have found wonderful,caring, generous, family, here in this web of many. It is my humble thanks to you Barb, that I was able to see first hand how wonderful this blog family can be. I love you my friend, I hope you enjoy all your goodies.If I woul have known your fella liked skittles? I would have filled the box with them!(Minus acouple for me! they are my favorite too!!) Hugs and warm wishes to you and your Cowboy!!
Ah jeez, you all made my mascara run this morning.
arn't we lucky to have found all of each other?
That's it? A box of trinkets and sugar? I'll never figure you out WOWie... dern sobbin women... :ewink:
Barb, you truly have won the lottery-of friendship and love! I am so happy that they made you happy with that awesome package. You truly deserve it.
I've tried to make a comment earlier but had and still have such a hard time, as the comment form just doesn't want to open up. Most of the time, I just give up after trying for some time. This time, I was determined. So if you don't hear from me, I do read if not always comment, as I only have so much time usually.
Enjoy the weekend!
Hugs and blessings,
I've tried to post 3 times now, lol. Where it goes I don't know..
You girl, deserve every bit of sugar!! And Miss Trainwreck is an angel in disguise on this earth. Maybe not even in disguise, cause she's so purty she should be modeling :)
We all love you Barb!!
We sure do luv ya!
Here's hoping for any absolutely wonderful, healthy
full of sun-shiney days enjoyed with your Cowboy (and of course, with the rest of your great big "family")
New Year !!
A thoughtful kind a gal that Barb, ain't she? ..........and you deserved every bit of it!
I think I need some tissues myself!
Isn't it amazing how someone we have never met, can so deeply affect our hearts?
That's what I love best about this blogging world... we can come across people who make a profound difference in our lives. :o)
Barb, you simply deserve this, you truly do, for being the incredible, warm, giving person that you are - and God Bless Trainwrecks sweet, little pea-pickin' heart!
*happiness hugs all around!*
Okay, I need more tissues after reading your post. What a wonderful surprise for you! Lovely Treasures for a Dear and Treasured Friend. Train Wreck is a sneaky gal.....=)
I have been following the crazy weather up your way....What a mess it all is. So glad you missed that mud slide!! Scary stuff!! And now I hear there is flooding too!! All of our snow has melted, the ice is gone and the mud is drying up...hooray. Hayman was able to get out and smooth roads...the ruts were we don't bounce so much when we head down the gravel road.
Happy Day to you dear more crying now....your nose is gonna be sore.
THAT was good medicine to get to read this story! Thank you for sharing all the details and you deserve to be blessed. It's not hard to see why so many would value you, though I've not "known" you for very long.
Trainwreck - what a woman! Lots of us think of things but you DID it. I agree - the blogging community is astonishing in its support. What a great day!
sniffle sniffle ( honk!) gulp! Ahhh geez, you made ME cry now!
Isn't that Trainwreck just a intuitive lil gal?
'course I'm new to your blog- but I already feel a warm fuzzy fer ya! What a wonderful way to begin a New Year- with frinds like these in Blog land I feel like we can accomplish anything!
SSSSMMMACK! (That was a kiss on the forehead not a wallop upside.);)
You deserve treasures and you are loved because you bring such sunshine into all of our lives!
I don't remember how I got here, to your blog that is, but I'm thankful for it! What a lovely post about kindness, generosity, and friendship! :)
- Michelle
Very, very special! I love how everything was so personalized and chosen just for you. TW is just the best! And you deserve it!!
Wow, all of those goodies came in one box?
Well, isn't that the coolest Christmas/Valentine Box O Stuff! I guess you did hit the lottery.
But really what struck me here was this:
"And then~I was going to "brag" about me running barefoot through the green grasses,
sipping lemonade, eating fresh picked strawberries from the garden
...and enjoying a relaxing swim in our newly 'acquired' lake!"
Talk about a PIGment of someone's imagination...bwaaahaaahaaa!!!
Awww! How lovely! Train Wreck sounds like a lovely lady!
~passing the tissue box around~
Such a lovely post of thanks 'n gratitude, Barb... It just warmed my ♥ to know that there are still sweet 'n caring folks left in this world... I'm very happy for you... God bless...
~hugs 'n prayers~
What a phenomal lottery you won! That is just so wonderful. Enjoy all that love :)
Barb, you are one truly loved woman. I'll bet you didn't know that when you started this blog, you'd touch so many people with your words and thoughts!
Thank you to Trainwreck for putting into action what we all feel in our hearts!
How sweet!!!!
You are a blessed woman :) all one of the greatest gifts!
I got so lost in the story I forgot where I came from but anyway I am glad I stopped in. I am married to a cowboy too so your comment on the other blog caught my eye. I have to read more now. Aren't we lucky to find such sweet friends. I am glad you received such a sweet gift in the mail.
Many Blessings,
Sorry it took so long.... still drying the tears days later here... I am off in FL with my grandbabies.... enjoying every minute.... I knew I couldn't be the only one that loved ya! Keep being you.... you are wonderful. ((((hugs)))))
Oh Happy Day for you! You are a wonderful person! I so love coming to your blog. You have been a blessing to me, leaving wonderful, heartfelt comments. That is how true friendship is made, heartfelt honesty. I look forward to many more!
Oh Happy Day for you! You are a wonderful person! I so love coming to your blog. You have been a blessing to me, leaving wonderful, heartfelt comments. That is how true friendship is made, heartfelt honesty. I look forward to many more!
This is so sweet and Barb you so deserve it. Just know that all that blogging love is out there for you. How wonderful!
Look e here. Took me FOREVER to load this page. My brower kept locking up at cowboy eating skittles. THAT is just not fair!
What a cool present. I loved the post and the kindness from TR to you. She is a doll!
Hey girl, we all know a good cowgirl when we meet one ! Your a sweetie Barb !
There are only a few people in the world that can touch others so deeply in a short amount of time and yes, without physically meeting! YOU are one of those, Barb! (((hugs)))
And I can't think of anyone more deserving! We'd give you the winning lottery ticket too, if we could! LOL! Tardevil
TW is an AWESOME lady isn't she!? Bloggy Friends are the best aren't they?!
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