...the Heart and Mind!
But it also has a huge appetite for broadband!
My music has gobbled up all of my bandwidth time!
Who Knew?
I sure didn't until today when it ate right through the universe, through these invisible communication waves landing smack dab into my computer....
BAM! No more Internet connection!
I had to call Support Tech, or maybe that is Tech Support, for them to tell me I was not being "Friendly" by consuming so much 'space' with music! They told me I wouldn't get "friendly time" (their description of 'connectivity speed') until I reduced my usage to 70%. It would seem to me, that by having them control my access to nill, my usage should drop considerably, right?
But I still think this isn't very "friendly" on their part!
Heck I wasn't consuming the bandwidth, the music was!..
I was just enjoying some of my favorite tunes!
I'm wondering now, how I am supposed to know when that happens..reduced to 70%.
In their "friendly" manner, they told me it could take 24 hours for everything to be "digested".
So, like the "friendly" person that I am, it is now after midnight, being obedient to the Almighty Wild Blue...I'm on line for whatever amount of time I'm granted...
Long enough to REMOVE my Playlist!
I was told to wait until midnight, when I wouldn't be as "unfriendly" to others by gobbling up bandwidth that others may be hungry for.
Hey, why can't we all share? I thought I was paying my share! Hmpppmmmm!
Oh well, such is the way of my life...year after year after year!
So, no more music for my ears....my tunes or yours!
I will have to 'tune' you out if you have music playing....
I had better hang up here before they tell me I'm being "unfriendly" again...
and let my appetite drop down to the 70%...whatever that is!
Why might I ask, couldn't THEY have been "friendly" by warning me! Send up flashing neon lights! Or wave huge red flags in front of my face...Anything! ...not....Nothing!
They can just flip a switch and say she's not being "friendly" anymore...
BAM! She's gone!
(I will be curious to see if tomorrow, they put me back in the "friendly" club...
or am I going to have stay in the Midnight Hour club awhile...)
~ ~ ~
Be sure and check out the next post down from this:
first to comment :lol:
I see you are friendly :)
Stupid bit nazis, as my Dad calls them. Ben is a network engineer but he'll be the first one to tell you that most folks in the computer industry are mean little SOB's who just want to control everyone!
Ohhhhhhhhh I don't get all that broadband stuff??????? Sorry you had to go through that;)
???WTH??? That stinks! I always put songs on that match my posts!! I have a special one just for yoooou todaaay! (I am whining!) I don't understand that crapola either! I don't have a problem...I don't think? Well at least look at the 3 top songs on my playlist. I picked them special! Have a great day, with no music? Yikes I wouldn't know what to do?
It could be worse and you could live like me with the dinosaurs and dial-up.
Wow, who knew that they could do that to you!!! What a drag!!! We had satellite internet for awhile, but I wasn't blogging then.....now we have DSL in our little valley.....=)
I will be sure to pause my playlist so when others click on my site they won't have to listen to the music....I will just listen to it when I want to.....=) I want others to be able to enjoy my site and not get in "trouble".......
W.O.W, I hope you will be able to come back and visit since I will have a pause on the music playlist?????
I confess to turning my speakers WAY down before visiting blogs. The reason? I open all of the blogs I want to visit as tabs -- thus all the music plays at the same time in the most horrific sound -- your Anne Murray, Tipper's Appalachian picking, Fishing Guy's country music, and Wheat Free Clan's Christian rock and pop. My ears just can't handle it. So the sound goes down!
I posted that story start I alluded to in my Simple Living Gal Exposed post a while back. It took me some time to get my nerve up.
Tell me what you think Momma Barb!
how did you get your signature on your blog? The script, Cowboys wife?
Black box brought me here. Please keep in mind, I am mentally challenged in things of the computer...Example Pictures would be nice. LOL
I am with Wild Blue through Dishnetwork and it really sucks. I get put on the unfriendly list (is that what they call it?) all of the time and you may find that when you go over their idea of alotted usuage your bill jumps... I HATE IT. But there was nothing in the fine print about this crud when I signed up! Aned the connection keeps getting S l o w e r and SLOWER and ... urgh. My contract is up in December and I am considering going back to dial up. Crazy or what?
That is a bummer .... might have been nice for them to give you a warning before they tuned you out :-)
I loved your great descriptions in the first couple paragraphs.....cool writing!
I know nothing about bandwidth. We have DSL through our local phone company, and there's no limits on anything.....at least not that I've run into, anyway. Good luck with your situation!
I also have DSL through my phone company and it has been great. I hope this clears up soon for you. Have a great day.
I never understood bandwidth. It's a foreign concept to me. That being said, I'm sorry yours was not enough to satisfy your internet appetite and I hope you make your way back to the friendly list again soon!
You've been tagged on my blog; hope you have enough oomph on your computer to respond!
Wireless Internet Cards.... 5GB of data usage a month.... that is 1.7 MILLION emails to read or 35,000 web pages to look at. VerizonWireless. Service is 59.99 a month. I can get it to you virtually overnight. Email me at christina dot nelson at cellularsales dot com Barb... sorry for the ad.... this is what I do... cell phones and aircards.... IF you get cell reception at your home. A wireless card ( fits lap tops and deck top pc... USB Port win 2000 and above)
I did the second part of Wade and Vivi yesterday! Go read!
Wow, I didn't know that one could be unfriendly by being friendly online.
Will we all have to join the midnight Hour Club with you, WoW
Best wishes and a fresh drink for you, my dear friendly friend...
Annie W
Have you got hooked back up yet? C'mon Barb, its been like TWO days! Hope all is well, jenn
This is one of the weirdest things I've ever heard, but I don't understand the concept of bandwidth anyway... I think you completely friendly and fine! what the heck do they know?
Yes Are you ok?!
I will sing you a song
....ahem...me me me me, Somewhereee oveerr the raainboow,waaaay up hiigh, theresss a dream thaaat I dreampt ooof once innn a llullyaabye!
See if the art doesn't work out? I can always fall back on my singin!! (Way back!) Hope all is well in your silent world!!
Reluctantly admitting.... Yes it was my mug! My eyes were all tore up! But much better now!
EntreCard.... We drop cards on other blogs. We get cards dropped on us. With what credit we earn from dropping or being dropped on, we can "buy" advertising on other blogs. It is addictive. My traffic has skyrocketed. But I have also run across some great blogs! About EntreCard link. It is free. If you have more questions, let me know. My Card is the top right corner. If you are signed into entrecard, then it says "drop" IF you are not signed in it says "get one". Hope this helps...
PS the fedex man should be looking you up on monday!!!!!
That's a real bummer about your music .
About the green tomatoes....do you ever make green tomatoe relish ?
I don't know anything about anything technical. but I am sorry that you had a hard time!
Welcome to the wonderful world of satellite internet...
Hey Girl, where ya been? i miss your posts.
Just checking on you! I hope you aren't burying the cable/ internet fella!!
Coffeelady to Cowboy's wife.... Don't hug the fedex guy to hard too day!
Hey B(log)FF, just wanted to let you know that I put a pecan montage up on the photo montage that I posted yesterday, just for you. Just a few pic's of the pecans from the green nut casing that I showed before to cracked. Enjoy and hope all is well, the silence from you is disturbing, please complain to Wild Blue again.
New Vivi and Wade! Come read it!
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