Where's the song ~~ "Don't let your daughters grow up to marry a Cowboy" ?

​​​​​​​Life is tough! Requires hard physical work, long, long days of pain, dirt, and broken fingernails.​
​Days of frigid cold & scorching heat; through the dust & mud; daybreak into the darkness of nite~~​
​the heart & body becomes toughened & weathered replicating leather!​
​A forever constant factor for a real Cowboy's Wife is tons of sweat, oceans of tears and a constant 'drought' in the wallet!​
​​​​​​​​​IF​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ she wants to spend anytime at all with her Cowboy, she must do as he does, you become partners!​
​​​​​​Kick off your boots, grab a cup of coffee, sit back and envision yourself in my life!​
​... It really isn't that bad! There are many rewards to be had to make it a great lifestyle! ...​ ​​​​​​​

Saturday, November 22, 2008

"I Can Be Anyone…

….I Want To Be!"

That is what I was told when I was 18 years old...by my parents!

I was the gypsy of the family, with the desire to be different, to experience new places, new things the world had to offer! Every time Dad came home telling us about some foreign place he could take a job…..mentally, my bags were packed and I was ready to go come nightfall.
My dreams would carry me into the unknown places I would get to discover.

I would be as energized about the possibilities, as I was as a young child on Christmas eve!
I always made plans! Envisioned the adventure in grandiose ways!
Dad would always turn the jobs down.
My gypsy days were only to remain in my visions, my heart.

It was the spring of my senior year and Mom and Dad were making hasty preparations to move to Italy with my younger sister.

My Dad had finally accepted a job transfer, overseas! They would leave in July!
Upon receiving birth certificates for everyone in the family, as there was no point in getting only the three necessary ones for those who were moving, Mom felt that we should all have ours, for our own files.
Mine came, with a shock to my parents, with a strange excitement for me!
On the line where the given birth name is supposed to be printed, this line said:
“Baby Girl" Strong

They had forgotten to name me!

For 18 years, I was known as (what y’all know me as..)“WOW”.
My school records, doctor records and my Baptism certificate all claimed me as “WOW”.
My family, my friends, and heck, even myself…knew me as “WOW”.

Could it be that in my parents excitement to get me home from the hospital, it was an oversight?
Was it a subconscious knowledge they had, that I was going to be different than the other siblings, and that with a certain passage of time, the opportunity would be presented to them with a proper name for me?
(I am,after all, the only one of us four with dark brown hair, the shortest, the smallest feet, and the only lefty…..JUST like my Mom!)
Did they know somehow, that with my arrival...in such an untimely manner, I would bring to them~ the most obstinate, most independent child of all? I would present them with a behavior pattern that would try their hearts, keep them on their toes? Maybe they thought, they would let the clocks tick by…until the day came for them to set me ‘free’ and tell me…

“I can be anyone…
….I want to be!”

You see, so many years ago…on what I call my official Thanksgiving Day…
I blessed my parents, and the world, with my presence! (or maybe that should say 'cursed"..??)
I rudely & abruptly interrupted their traditional Thanksgiving gathering…
Mom did not get to enjoy all of her labor intense, delicate and artful preparations for the Turkey feast of the day! (And they even ran out of gas on their way to the hospital!)
Around 4:47 pm, that Thanksgiving Day (way back when)…I introduced myself ~in a defiant way…
A trait I’ve carried around proudly throughout my travels in life!

Leave it to me to begin what was to become years of stubborn, autonomous chaos!

I have been Thankful everyday of my life...that on that Thanksgiving Day so many years ago, I was blessed with my given life!

My folks? Blessed that day?.....I know they love me!

Yes...I kept the same name that I had bestowed on me for 18 years...I couldn't come up with anything better! Besides..."WOW" was Me!

Because today is my Thanksgiving Day...and I noticed, my 100th post (wow!) ...to all my new friends, my wonderful new family, whether by name, by lurker, by anonymous…
I hear by send you the warmest hug and thank you for sharing in my life!


Sarah said...

What a cool story of your life! I like that next to "Baby Girl" was the word "Strong". Perhaps a forbearance of your character.

Train Wreck said...

You were born on Thanksgiving!!! How awesome is that! You are different, in an extraordinary way! What a great story! See you should write a book! What a wonderful story to tell on Oprah!

The Wife said...

Happy Birthday! My birthday falls on Thanksgiving this year. I told my husband he better give thanks for me! haha

Enjoy sharing the adventures of WOW!

Anonymous said...

I was born on Thanksgiving and my birhtday falls on Thanksgiving this year.

clown princess said...

I am wishing you a wonder-full birthday! What a great story about an awesome woman...all I can say is WOW!

Egghead said...

Happy birthday Barb. Funny thing is my sisters names is Barb and her only granddaughter's birthday is today as well. Another common thread to connect us together. Wish we lived closer....but you are always welcome to come and join us at any time...Thanksgiving is near and there will be room for two more!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

I am going to tell you Happy Birthday now so I won't forget it.Cause I know I would with all the chaos coming up!
Loved your birth story and you have a Happy day on your day dear Barb !

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Happy Birthday, Your parents must have seen that you were truly special and left it to you to write your own destiny. What a wonderful gift of freedom!!

Sage said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday, with lots of good memories.. love the story of your name...and of your parents.

The Blonde Duck said...

That's really neat! You can celebrate every year with pie! :)

Gail said...

Wonderful story. Glad you kept your name.

LL said...

Another year on the ol' odometer?

Well... I guess it's better than the alternative... ;)

How's that book coming? :P

terri said...

Happy Birthday, friend! I love that upon realizing you hadn't been officially named, instead of feeling hurt or forgotten, you saw it as an opportunity. I've come to realize that's the attitude that makes you such a strong and amazing woman.

Linda said...

WOW, happy birthday you Wonderful Ornery Woman (said with love too b.t.w.! You are an amazing woman!

wordmama said...
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wordmama said...

(sorry typo on my last one and an added thought!)

Happy birthday WOW! 40 looks good on you! I hope you have a feet-up, coffee made, chores already done kind of day!

I guess maybe it's a good thing you didn't chose a name like Wandering Sunshine Butterfly Soul when you had the chance!

And I love Terri's observation - you truly do know how to find that silver lining in a situation. It's one of the many things that make you so darn addictive!

Annie Wicking said...

Happy Birthday, WoW
Have a great day with your family and friend.

Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! You are definitely a WOW! (((hugs))) and I am thankful for you, my friend! Have a great day!

DesertHen said...

What a wonderful story..thank you for sharing...=) I am sending special thoughts, hugs and wishes your way....Have a wonderful day my dear friend....=)

Shirley said...

Happy Birthday from another lefty who also has always dared to be different!

Tamara Jansen said...

Happy Birthday :)

Freak Magnet said...

At the complete risk of saying what you have already heard, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I believe that you are indeed a highly unique ad amazing woman and I think WOW is very fitting!!! :)

Rue said...

Happy Birthday Mama Barb!!! I wish you great health, joy, love and beauty everyday :)

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Much love,

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday WOW'zer!! What a cool story and sounds like the name is very appripo! Hope you had a great birthday and may God bless you richly each new day :)

Anonymous said...

And a BEST Thanksgiving !!!

♥ Braja said...

That was a wonderful post! You're a fortunate girl, parents like that...

Janice Thomson said...

Shoot! I posted in the wrong spot! Your birthday wishes from me are in the previous post LOL. I'm delighted to have met you Barb!

Jenn said...

happy birthday! Ps I tagged you on my 4th picture post. :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! Quite a story. Very warm and a belated Happy Birthday. I'm so happy to have met hyou.