In more ways than one!
First a big 'deep freeze', then deep snow...all uncommon to this part.
Minus 18 degrees were our lows and highs reached up to 5 degrees for an eight day stretch.
This kind of weather calls for too much energy to be spent, daily!
But Oh no…in this weather, that is not possible!
- Tons of energy is spent just trying to add clothing for the onslaught of what is beyond the warmth of your doors! It can take 10-15 minutes just to get dressed for the elements! It's no wonder I love summer!
- Fires must be kept dancing to ward off the bone chilling winds that will creep in every chance it gets!
- Engines need a long warm up time before heading out the drive...IF the battery is still willing to hold a charge! Make sure you have plenty of fuel! (It's a good thing prices have gone down)
This is a time when neighbors help neighbors! Whether it is helping with chopping drinking holes in the creeks for the horses and/or cattle with axes; checking in on the elderly widower living alone along the Snake River and helping with his sick or brand new calves that need to go inside; time for hauling in firewood for someone who can’t safely get outdoors;
or to break the ice dams formed in someones roof because they can't;
and it's a time to sit with someone who is lonely during the holidays,
whether they are stranded by the weather or not.
The Big Freeze that hit with sudden urgency… stymied life, shocked everyone.
- Travel came to halt.
- Footings were lost (and my bum is proof!)
- Electricity came and went without notice or care (luckily, I timed my baking just right!)
- My camera held with good intentions of ‘capturing’ this history in the making, got left on a bale of hay somewhere when yet another urgent matter showed it’s face (yes…that would be my cheap but still useful trusty camera! Maybe some cow will become computer literate one of these days and post the photos for me!)
- Thankfully(?), the temperature now warmed up to 13 degrees by day!
- Roads were closed
- Mail was delivered or not...depending
- Driveways impassable
- Roof lines blended into the hillside
- Shoveling & plowing seemed like a waste of time and energy
Two solid days were spent on the phone with the kids coming home,
one from the Fargo, ND line, the other from So. Calif!
Approximately 1400 miles for each and one worried Mom!
Thank goodness THEY had cell phones so I could keep up with their scary travels!
Two days ago…the temperatures rose! They climbed to a balmy 48 degrees!
Most of the snow is gone today! Mountains of 'pushed' snow remain!
Did I mention... the melt down also meant we would have leaking roofs caused by
the huge ice dams from all the valleys of our roof, running into gutters?
(who ever invented gutters should be shot! They are of no benefit in this kind of weather)
Did I mention...the daily drippings from the roof created by the chimney's heat,
would cause frozen huge ice icicles and large blocks...
disabling and then 'Breaking’ my satellites....Dish TV and Wild Blue Internet!!
(It could be that they are only meant to take so many beatings from humans!!!)
Did I mention... a broken drain pipe under the house?
This old house has ‘tunnels’ for crawl spaces, barely fit for a human body.
This broken pipe will have to wait....
I am now washing dishes in the deep sink in the laundry room that
almost became non-existant because the weight of ice and thawing of snow
tried it's darnest to cave in this part of the house!
Did I mention...I HATE WINTER???
But Life is good...Wonderful Memories were made...
Since I've been out of touch here I want to wish you all a belated Merry Christmas!
My old blogging friends and my many new ones!
I hope your Holiday was filled with love, fun, and memories!
Now...Come on Spring!! I'm ready for you!
No more Carharts, scarves & mittens!
Just barefeet, shorts & tank tops!