Where's the song ~~ "Don't let your daughters grow up to marry a Cowboy" ?

​​​​​​​Life is tough! Requires hard physical work, long, long days of pain, dirt, and broken fingernails.​
​Days of frigid cold & scorching heat; through the dust & mud; daybreak into the darkness of nite~~​
​the heart & body becomes toughened & weathered replicating leather!​
​A forever constant factor for a real Cowboy's Wife is tons of sweat, oceans of tears and a constant 'drought' in the wallet!​
​​​​​​​​​IF​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ she wants to spend anytime at all with her Cowboy, she must do as he does, you become partners!​
​​​​​​Kick off your boots, grab a cup of coffee, sit back and envision yourself in my life!​
​... It really isn't that bad! There are many rewards to be had to make it a great lifestyle! ...​ ​​​​​​​

Monday, December 8, 2008

O Christmas Tree...

...O Christmas Tree..

Christmastime has always been a hard season for me…but this year?
Our greatest joys will be here to share it with us! Our kids and families!
Our Christmases have never been about gifts for us (they are rarities around here).
..it's a time meant to be shared with family~ full of gags, giggles and games.

THIS year, I am counting the days to the kids arrival!
13 days...and counting until Dec. 20th
O Christmas Tree!

Where oh where can the Christmas tree be?
Papa (Cowboy) says "We have to have a Christmas Tree...just for you!"

Is it at some Christmas tree farm?
Should I weave in and out between the Noble firs
or the Douglas firs?
Should it be a Blue Spruce or Cedar?
Those perfectly manicured trees tended by
man and machine are so perfect!
Too perfect!
They are not for me.
(Besides..they cost money!)

I wish I could meander through the beautiful forest, checking each tree for texture and cohesion.
Find the perfect one all twisted and lopsided. I know I'm strange, but I love the ones no others do!
Forests are peaceful; enchantingly beautiful. THAT would be my ideal scenario.
It was one of my favorite times during the holidays as a child. Today, in our state, permits are issued for Christmas Tree hunting in some of our forests, but we are not close to any.

Sometimes, the best Christmas Tree is found in your own front yard!
It can provide a beautiful Holiday display~ year after year.

Ahhh...If only we had one...
That would be magnificent, but the only evergreens
in my close proximity are 40 foot pines out back.

O Christmas Tree! Where for art thou?

The countdown is on for the grandkids arrival! I have so much to do!

Please Please, come out whereever you are!


There you are!

Right where you got put the last time we used you!
Whenever that was! Imagine that!

And it's a FAKE!
(remnants of our AZ days..what can I say)

You are hiding behind our more
frequently used items...
like snow boots we have not needed
to bring upstairs...yet. Yea!
Of course we have no need for the picnic basket! Darn!
I dislike FAKE trees but I do have the aroma's filtering throughout
of a warm fire.
I will light some candles of
Christmas scents.
Hopefully, that will do the trick.

I've got so much to do because it has been 15 years since we've had
Christmas at Our house~with the kids! And now it's more than just two!
I'm not even sure where to begin!
I've made my list, and checked it twice.
I've remade it and added to it so many times, I'm so lost!
Since there are no gifts for wrapping, I should do some decorating.
There's always that cleaning to be done, menu's to plan.
And we cannot forget about some goodies!
Candies need to be made along with cookies, cinnamon rolls and other sweet breads.
The Grandkids will want to help some too, especially with the Santa treats!
I will wait on making those.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Well, not yet, but soon!

I'll be away a lot, not Away as in a Manger, Away...just Away in a major way!
Trying to accomplish all that needs done around here before the family arrives.

Maybe I will even catch a few Zzzz's...

I will try to stop in and see what you're up to once in awhile.
I know you all are in the Holiday spirit and buzy as bees too.

Maybe this blogland will slow down a wee bit so I don't get
so far behind trying to stay caught up!


The Wife said...

How exciting! All the kiddos coming in. We will miss you but understand time will be spent on more pressing issues!

Glenda, saved by grace said...

After 30 years of real trees, last year I broke down and bought a fake one. The trip to the tree farm was fun for about the last 5 years, but when the price of the tree went over 100.00 I told my Husband never again! I'm afraid our christmas will not be about the gifts either, moneys tight all over, and well its just time for the kids to grow up and do their own thing. I will have to flourish my 15 year old and my foster baby- 3 year old tho...
You have a great holiday season and relax a little!
God bless you and keep you!
♥ Glenda

Sarah said...

It's so great that everyone is coming to your house this year for Christmas! Sounds like it's going to be a holiday wonderland with all the candy making and bread baking! We have a fake tree too...I told Boo next year I want a real one..it's what I grew up with. Too much emphasis on gifts anyway, it distracts from the real meaning. May your Christmas season be full of warmth and light and love!

Amanda said...

Well the way I see it when you use a fake tree no tree has to die plus no pine needles stuck in the rug. So fake is really environmentally correct if you are into that!. I am so happy for you to have your family coming and I am in the same treescarcity predicament as you are, but you already know that. LOL!

LL said...

What? More guests? And you're feeding them sweetbreads to boot? You do want them to come back... right? :P

gtyyup said...

It sounds like your Christmas this year is going to be Perfect! It can't get any better than having all your family there.


Sherry Sikstrom said...

I just bought a "fake" tree this year.Always had a real ,and often "Charlie Brown" tree in the past . It has been quite dry this year so I am afraid the tree will just shed their needles too quickly. Anyhow I have decided that what needs to be real is the spirit of Christmas,and that we have.As do you, enjoy your Christmas and the time with your family, and I think ,like the velveteen rabbit with your love and spirit your tree might just seem real after all. Merry Christmas. Stop back to visit us all in blogland

The Blonde Duck said...

We had to get a fake tree because of Ben's allergies...get some sleep!

Jenn said...

Oh I bet your excited! Kiddie-O's! *note* hide your bathrobe! I love the hobby horse croctched ornament. It is very pretty. I think being where you are I would find a tree (or tree top) to cut down. I miss so much a real tree.

DesertHen said...

You sound so excited....I'm so happy that you and Cowboy will have your children and grandchildren for the holidays....How FUN!!! =D Enjoy all that you do, remember to rest and get those zzzz's, eat lots of goodies and enjoy the memories that will be made.

Our tree made it into the house yesterday, but it is still in the box. We have been using an artificial tree for the last seven or so years...could no longer afford the price of a cut tree and there is no place handy nearby for us to go and cut our own. So I guess I will spend my evenings this week decorating for Christmas......or Countychick is going to disown me.....*wink =)

Happy Holidays W.O.W and Cowboy!

Egghead said...

That is so great that you will have your family this year with you. My best memories as a child were always the busy family visits...no gifts just fun baking and playing with cousins and such. I have never had a Christmas with only farmer. Kids and grandkids are close by right now with the exception of my son. He will be here after Christmas this year for a visit but all else will be here. Oh...Merry Christmas. A warm fire, family and goodies baking. That is all you need.

Tatersmama said...

It's beginning to sound like Christmas....lol!
I hope you have a wonderful time having family around and that your holidays are perfect in every way.

I think I had better go dust off the box my fake tree is hiding in... 'tho I wish it were a real one. *sigh*

terri said...

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, surrounded by your family. Seems to me that you know how to do it right. Skip the presents and instead give each other the gift of time spent together.

Jenn said...

OOOOH WOW.. You updated your profil picture. Lets see... YEP, you look just like you sound, SWeEEET.

Lil Mama said...

Gosh! That makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I love Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Oh Barb, 15 yrs. This will be a very special Christmas. I *g*rinned reading about the 3 g's ("gags, giggles, and games"). You will have a gifts: the gift of each other.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I hope you don't desert us completely! My Grands are coming too..all five of the warts. I am thinking of making a list, but baking? I have a few more days than you, ours are not coming til the 24th. Very nice post today, I enjoyed it! :)

Sage said...

This will be the first year in a while I will have put a christmas tree up for me and SOH and it will be a fake one as I hate to see the real ones dying slowing in the heat. You can get them with roots on, but I would prefer them growing naturally outside.

Note to self, must remember to take a photo of the village christmas tree.

{{hugs}} stay safe, stay warm, stay loved

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh wow , I know you are excited . And you are going to be so busy, I can just smell all the good stuff baking ! Be sure to take some pics for us !

Anonymous said...

Yeah for kids coming home! My college boys will be home around the 20th also! Of course I still have a bunch at home (the 2nd litter) but it doesn't diminish how much I look forward to seeing the big ones!

We have a fake tree too...my husband is Mr. Safety. He has lectured many a friend of the fire hazard of real trees...sigh. I miss that wonderful tree smell. Then again here in the Pacific Northwest all you have to do is step outside to smell a tree, lol!

Annie Wicking said...

I have a little real Xmas tree sitting on my patio in a pot. Ready to bring in just before Christams day. I'm hoping to keep this one alive until next Christmas as we did the last one.

I hope you and your family have a great time.

Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

It is so great that your family will be here with you. I have not wandered out to do the real tree thing just yet. I think I would have a hard time spending the money for one every year. Anyway hope you have a great day!

Vaquerogirl said...

I love a Christmas tree and so does my Hubby- so we get it up early and take it down late!
It's nice to hear about folks that have forgone the pressures of a media driven society to buy buy buy- time, memories, laughs and love is what makes a perfect Christmas in my book~ sound like you will have it all!

Anonymous said...

Hi Barb... Sure sounds like you've got TONS of stuff to do to keep you busy for a long, long time! So glad your family will be able to be together for Christmas... I hope you're doing well and that the Holidays will be filled with blessings and joy... Take care... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Lakeland Jo said...

I would like to hop over and have a cup of coffee with you- with all that holiday baking you take about- sweet breads and cinnamon rolls. Yum!

Anonymous said...

real or fake.. like ice cream.. chocolate or vanilla... choose

the real meaning is your family coming on yonder to celebrate


The Muse said...

Howdy and Merry Christmas, one farm gal to another :)

Shirley said...

We always have a real tree; one of my favourite parts of Christmas is getting out and searching for that perfect tree. It can take me hours of happily tromping about in the snow! This year it will have to be a very small tree as we have a tiny living room. There are lots of trees where we live, and a permit is only $5. My daughter will be in Panama this year, so Ted and I will be splitting our Christmas between two cities; Christmas Eve in Calgary to be with my mother who is travelling there from B.C., and Christmas day off to Edmonton to have dinner with his mother in the Senior's Lodge.
Have a blessed Christmas with all your loving family!

wordmama said...

Oh merry Christmas Barb - your post has just filled me up with Christmas spirit this mornng! And I LOVE that rocking horse ornament!

We're very much on the same page with our focus not on finding the perfect gifts, but of creating the perfect family Christmas!

I think after all the hullabaloo you've had this year, this is the perfect way to end 2008! And hey - if you want to share any of those baking recipes, I'll be waiting! (Did I tell you that I made your salsa recipe in the summer? Everyone RAVES about it!)

Dr.blogger said...

nice to hear this.
and I am glad to learn about your culture, thanks for sharing..

Renie Burghardt said...

Oh, what a wonderful Christmas you will have, with your entire family, Barb! I'm so happy for you, my dear.

Hugs and Christmas blessings,


AnneDroid said...

I hope you all have loads of fun together.

I have a fake tree (I don't want to be a tree-murderer!) but I also have a rather eccentric friend who bought a real tree last Christmas and has kept it up ever since. He has had it (totally brown by now of course) in his window all year.

Freak Magnet said...

No matter what kind of tree and/or how you decorate, your home is going to be full of the true love and joy that Christmas is all about! I hope you all have a wonderful time together and know that I will be thinking of you! xoxo

david mcmahon said...

You're so right about the greatest joy being to share it with kids and family

Tessa said...

Barb, yours sounds as though it will be a wonderful, memory-making Christmas without all the horrid commercialism and bling that the season seems to bring with it nowadays. Family, warmth, delicious food, love and laughter. Just perfect!

Rue said...

Mama Barb!! I see you!!!! AND you are beautiful!!! :)

I love that you have what sounds to be a very old fashioned Christmas. ONE of the reasons that I was drawn to your blog in the first place is because it takes me to a place that I didn't think existed anymore.

I'm so very happy to hear that after 15 years, your family will finally be together having what sounds like the most wonderful Christmas ever. Family, food and laughter are the best gifts of all :)

Thank you so much for your sweet words about our move. It's south of here, but still in Ohio and yes, we won't have to move until the end of January. Thank the good Lord! I can't imagine having to move before then. This way, we can still enjoy Christmas :)

Have fun getting ready for your family!!!

Much love and many hugs,

BloggessJ said...

Beware of Christmas trees cut from your own backyard....My best example is the squirrel scene from the movie National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation....Great to hear that the kiddo's are coming home!

The Muse said...

Thanks for stopping by! I hope that countdown to the Family's Arrival is still ticking away~

Midlife Mom said...

We have to have fake trees as we all have allergies. The first year we put up a real one and then couldn't figure out why our noses were running and all. Went to the dr. and the frist thing he said was do you have up a real tree??? That poor tree went outside fast and we bought a fake one. Not as nice but at least we aren't honking and blowing all day! ha! Nice post, I enjoyed it. Have fun with your kids!

Dr.blogger said...

You have won an award. Go to http://mosul-4all.blogspot.com/ to pick it up

Farmchick said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful Christmas instore for you and your family....
Stop in and visit me sometime when you are out in blogland!!!

Anonymous said...

WHile you're preparing for the holidays, I'm going to go wayyyy back to the beginning of your blog and read and comment (if the comments are still open).
Thinking of you, Barb

RURAL said...

There is nothing like having family home for Christmas. I hope that you have a wonderful time, with great memories to carry you through to the next Christmas that you get to spend together.

I do work in a Nursery, I worked full time in a local nursery for over 15 years, now I work 1 day per week, in another local nursery, and the rest of the time in a local "large" drugstore kind of retail store. It pays the bills, well, kind of. But it lets me have a chance to work at my own business. The photography, and the cards.

By the way, while it is absolutely wonderful in the spring, nursery work is physical, hot, cold, and either crazy busy, or dead slow. BUT! that said, there is nothing better than working with customers who have known you for years, plants that are new, and exotic, and all that fresh air.

Enjoy your wonderful Christmas, don't get too stressed, and make some time for yourself occasionally.


Train Wreck said...

Hey I am back, now you are Away! How great that you will be Hostess to your familys Christmas! I love your photo!Beautiful girl! I'll bet your house smells wonderful! Take lots of pictures. I have a felling it will be a most memorable Christmas. Love you my dear friend!

david mcmahon said...

That's why we ``pine'' for Christmas!

Sage said...

Hope the preparations are going well, we miss you but understand the importance of family. Have a great time and come back soon.


Jenn said...

lookie here ms hostess... hee hee... your other family is CALLING you!

Hope your having a really great visit with your loved ones.


Dr.blogger said...

I miss you >>

Anonymous said...

Not been here for a while--know what the hussle is all about this time of year. I live in Colo. and we are lucky enough to get to get a permit to cut a Christmas tree-us and 2 of my kids and their familys went out a couple of weeks ago--I have a BEST one. All up and now trying to get baking done ,plus I'm a quilter and homemade quilt stuff is what they are getting--so I've been in the sewing room a LOT here lately. Have a BEST CHRISTMAS!! Bobbie

Cactus Jack Splash said...

Hope all is well, Have a lovely holiday

Tardevil said...

I'm so happy you get to be with your family this Christmas! I hope you have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful 2009! I won't be around much until then either, but just wanted to come over & wish you a Merry one! Like your new photo!

Rue said...

Hi Mama Barb!

I just wanted to come by and wish you and your cowboy the Merriest of Christmases!!

Much love and big warm hugs,

Rising Rainbow said...

The fake trees aren't soooo bad. With allergies in our house that's the only way we can have a tree. I've gotten used to it. Once we get it buried enough under all of our treasured ornaments, it looks like it belongs to us.

Have a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh haaaaaaa! There you are!" LOL! Nice. That's MY kind of Christmas tree! Sounds like you have a big Christmas coming up. I hope it's awesome. Times spent together with the family are often too rare. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Am thinking of you and hoping you're having an incredible memorable holiday time with your clan!


Anonymous said...

Missing you much. Enjoy the family! Happy Holidays.... Be Safe!
(((((hugs)))))) Christina

Anonymous said...

The fake tree is up and decorated here too...that leaves me more money for gift!
Oh, that's right, no money for gifts either!
No matter...like your house, that's NOT what's important to us and some of us will actually be together tonight for our annual Christmas eve social at Trapper Dude's folks...oldest son is working and daughter and her hubby are hours away, but youngest and his wife will be here, oldest tomorrow after work....I hope I don't cry when I call daughter later!
Enjoy your family time and take LOTS of pictures!
Have a wonderful holiday season and a safe and healthy New Year!!

Heidi said...

Merry Christmas my dear!!!!!

RazorFamilyFarms.com said...

We use a fake Christmas tree each year because I cannot cohabitate with a live tree. My allergies go nuts and I spend the holidays miserable.

I'm back to making my rounds!!! Thank you for your wonderful comments and love during this exciting (and very busy) time!


Train Wreck said...

OK.... Where are you? Please don't tell me you are elbow deep in dishes! I am getting a little worried. Are you posting "LL" style? Not acceptable. I miss you my friend. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family. Love you.Let us know you are still there...

Cactus Jack Splash said...

Okay, you have been gone so long we are going to have to send out a search party. Don't make me have to waddle my fat appy butt through the snow to your house.
Hope all is well.

Maggie said...

I hope you and yours have (or had) a a wonderful christmas and i will take those candies and cookies and cin. rolls off your hands LOL