Where's the song ~~ "Don't let your daughters grow up to marry a Cowboy" ?

​​​​​​​Life is tough! Requires hard physical work, long, long days of pain, dirt, and broken fingernails.​
​Days of frigid cold & scorching heat; through the dust & mud; daybreak into the darkness of nite~~​
​the heart & body becomes toughened & weathered replicating leather!​
​A forever constant factor for a real Cowboy's Wife is tons of sweat, oceans of tears and a constant 'drought' in the wallet!​
​​​​​​​​​IF​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ she wants to spend anytime at all with her Cowboy, she must do as he does, you become partners!​
​​​​​​Kick off your boots, grab a cup of coffee, sit back and envision yourself in my life!​
​... It really isn't that bad! There are many rewards to be had to make it a great lifestyle! ...​ ​​​​​​​

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I've Never Been Good with Rules...

...so I'm warning you, I'm not about to start!

Let me tell you ahead of time that I am so sorry!
Regrettably, I am so despicably delinquent on posting some things here,
so please don't judge me to be thoughtless or unappreciative.
I'm really not either of those!
I have met so many wonderful people through this medium, and truthfully?
You all know more about me than my own family does, except maybe Hydro,
as I know she and her hubby sometimes catch up on things here.
I'm not really sure why or how it came to be that I've,
so willingly, opened my heart to expose it to the world,
because I am usually an extremely discreet person,
keeping so much of my life buried in the privacy of my own mind.
Quite possibly.......could it be your fault?? hmmm???
So many of you have made me feel at ease, enabling me to speak from my heart.
Regardless, I am so glad that I started this blog back in May!
Being trapped isolated out here, due totally to our chosen lifestyle,
I have very little contact with other humans.
Blogging has been an amazing adventure for me!
Each day I am amazed at the number of talented, loving,
witty people I've come to know!
However, I must divulge, I DO NOT like rules!
(That...my folks will attest to for sure!)
I have a tendenacy to do just the opposite of what is expected of me.
Yes, it has put me in deep water at times. Hey! That is why I learned to swim!
I cannot change my ways now…....not here.

This is my excuse..

and I'm sticking to it!

The reason for this post:
THREE Reasons, actually---


I have received some awards that I need to acknowledge and I want to thank everyone who thought of me. I am very beholden to you!
They all come with rules for presenting and passing them though, see?

There is that "Rules" word again!
I cannot, in my heart & in good conscience, pick only a few Blogging Friends to pass these along to! Each and everyone of you are deserving!
(Actually, I think everyone should just go to the site where ever you can find all sorts of awards, pick the ones you want, and give them to yourselves!)
So please, please…believe me when I say I’m giving them to each and everyone of you!!
Whether you have them or not, take them! With my blessings!!

I got this from Tracy at "Is it a Full Moon, or What?"
I just recently met this Lady who just happens to be a fellow Washingtonian, so that makes her a fantastic person in MY Washington eyes! Go vistit her! She's talented (could have/would have had a career in ballet if some scout wouldn't have burst her bubble! Jerk!), loves,loves, loves- to have fun!... maybe that's why she has the number of kids she does, you gotta go count them yourself!...*wink*

This Award was given to me by three great gals. (Third times the charm.. right?)
...by one of my longest blogging friends! The Professor
at "Babble From a Babbler". (do you like the orange Prof? You know why I used it! ) This Lady, I've admired since I met her! Her job, in my eyes, is the most valued in the world! A teacher! (Without them? Scarry!)

She too, is isolated. Only for a short time now though, as she has "Gypsy" running through her veins as I do! At Christmas, she's moving on to hopefully bigger & brighter things! She even needs to change the Image of her blog when she does!
I love this gal & I wish her good times, good fortune & all that's good in the world! She deserves it! And Prof...I will continue to follow your life! Through your words and your photos...even though they won't be of Montana any longer.
Second & Third...to give this to me, also gave me this one!

Now I'm not too sure that this was legal in Blogland!
These two Ladies have been lifelong friends and they double whammyied me!
Within a day of each other!(I think they had a vendetta for me, ya think?)
See why I don't like "Rules" ?

Let me present to you Ms Desert Hen of "gravelroadsanddaiquirisinthedirt" and Ms Oregontribal1! of "allthingsoldandnew" (You can find their real names when you visit them!) Desert Hen's life has been a lot like mine. Living with and moving with a Cowboy. I wish she lived closer! Oh the stories we could tell! She does have some catching up to do though...maybe when they've been married this long, they will have moved enough to equal ours. Don't even think about unpacking Lady! This gal even gives chickens baths! Did you realize that was even possible? And then "Styles" their feathers with a blow dryer! (She's really not any weirder than I, so give her a chance!). Oregontribal1 is a gal who gets to live in a part of Oregon that is gorgeous! Her photos and her words express the beauty~ well, beautifully! And she gets to share her life with her folks at the their farm as much as she wants...and she shares the dusty road all the way! For that, she is lucky! She's funny and gorgeous! Both these gals...even though they blog with each other (I haven't a clue if they ever use their phones these days, do you Ladies?) they welcome you like they've known you a lifetime too!

This award came from the beautiful and extremely talented young lady at "A Duck in Her Pond". Her favorite color is pink! Why? Because she is a Girly Girl!!...but don't worry, she loves her beef, does that Paint ball stuff, ouch! Not only that, she is witty, loves her dogs, family and Ohhh she loves to share her recipes! This young lady is the most creative, ambitious thing! (it has to be her youth!) I'm not sure how she fits everything into her days! She writes stories like you wouldn't believe! Numerous ones "in progress" at the same time! (Shhh-h-h ...She doesn't know it yet, but my favorite one she's writing, I have first dibs on when it's done...signed by her very own little pink fingers!)

Ok...that is off my shoulders now! Phewwww!
Thank you Ladies, I am glad to have you in my life!
Oh....and "The Rules"that go with these awards?
They were eaten by my delete key! I told you I don't like "Rules".


I have received many, many emails from my invisible blogging friend and the 'doubly invisible' ones (those who don't like to leave their words in my "Give Me Some Guff" section).
All related to my posts "
Surviving Life", and "I Feel I Should Clarify" last month.

I haven't forgotten you, nor am I ignoring you. Life does take precedence and I am working on getting them answered. I am a procrastinator, and if answering them means there are rules about a timely manner, then that is my excuse...


An Angel

From an Angel

Thank you for being here! You don't realize how much your friendship & words mean to me!


wordmama said...

You know, sometimes it's nice to be an unknown blogger - no real rules to follow!

I wouldn't worry too much about it WoW. Anyone who loves you enough to bestow one of these awards on you must read your blog enough to know how busy you are being a cowboy's wife, amatuer chimney sweep, gardener and mother!

Greyhound Girl said...

Thank you for the nice words, and you are certainly most deserving of this award! (And I'm glad you'll stick with me as I continue my wanderlust journey through life!)

laurie said...

there aren't any rules at all, except when you hit PUBLISH it should publish. other than that, you're free to do what you like.

i think the reason you open your soul to your blog friends is because you are a writer at heart. that's what writers do

RazorFamilyFarms.com said...

Hi Momma Barb!

I am so sorry for not visiting your blog more lately. Things have been so busy that I wrote a few posts and then set them up to post automatically at a certain time in the last few days. I was not actively writing them and then publishing them right away. See? I cheated. My blog numbers show -- you guys can tell!

Goodness, I hope things have been going well for you two. My heart goes out to you. Josh and I have tossed around taking a trip to Virginia now that gas prices have gone so low. We may never see them this low again and I thus, not be able to afford for me to go back home for a very long time.

Blessings and love,

Linda said...

I can't say as I like rules all that much either, maybe that's why I don't get around to posting the awards people so kindly bestow on me.....or maybe I'm just embarassed or lazy:) Have a good one!

The W.O.W. factor! said...

Ok...you early birds! You caught me duking (is that a real word?) it out with Blogger, hope all my "issues" trying to publish this didn't give you the same migraine I was getting!
~yawn.. (question..tho, whatch'all doin' up so derned early? I haven't even been to bed yet!)...yawn~

Anonymous said...

oh thank goodness I am not the only one who feels like this! I feel badly when I am told I have an award,"come and get it" but in order to "get" it I then have to "do" something in order to "get" it...hey, aren't awards given because you already did something??? Always kinda reminded me of a pyramid scheme...and where exactly did this award originate and is it tracking me online ?? Are aliens involved? The CIA? Oh, we were talking about rules, not conspiracy theories...sorry.

Sage said...

Love your final words Barb, and I think we do know what it means to you, that's why we keep coming back..


The Blonde Duck said...

You deserve all the awards! And thanks so much for the sweet compliments!

I still don't have enough time during the day. :)

Train Wreck said...

Rules we don't need no stinkin Rules! No Rules, No shoes, No problems! hahahah! I love you too! You deserve all those awards! Just think what would happen if you wrote a book, you would get alot of awards!! Think of all the rules you could break then!! ha ha! You are beautiful, inside and out. I am so glad you started bloggin in May too! Same as me! See we are seesters!!

GeckoGirl said...

Hey Barb: Whatcha doin up at this time of day?
The linking thing DesertHen had a problem too. So,and I don't think it's like I'm a favorite or somethin, she just added my blog all on it's own to her sidebar. She let me know on my blog comment form what was happening, I'm in the process of letting Blogger know of the problemo(some of my Espanol,very limited) and how they can remedy the situation. Hope this helps? Thank you for the comments of my awards to you: I HATE RULES TOO! Let's break them while we can!!!! At least until we get so OLD that we can't remember why they had them in the first place??? Until tomorrow...? Indeed, the next ride of Wyatt Earp and his Immortals awaits you. Teresa

LL said...

Copycat... :ewink:

Good to see you're still alive though... I was beginning to hope... ermmm... wonder. :P

Egghead said...

Yep you deserve the awards. I love your writing and look forward to coming back often.

Alexandra MacVean said...

Congratulations to you and all of your awards. You are a wonderful blog friend! :) It's great getting to know you and your world over there!

terri said...

Congratulations! You are so deserving of all those awards! And don't be sorry about breaking the rules. I NEVER follow the rules! And everyone will still love you anyway.

Adventure girl said...

Congrats on all your great awards! I don't like rules either;)

Janice Thomson said...

Rules are made so officials don't look like fools.
Hope things are improving Barb - take care :)

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh shoot Barb, I quit following the rules on those awards a long time ago ! I accept them,thank them, put it on my sidebar and just forget about the rest.And now that I am in deep do-do for saying this, hehehe, I might as well spill my guts right here and say that ,I will be so glad when these award thingies die out. I am so-o-o-o-o-o tired of them and they take up too much valuable blogging time! Boy howdy,I bet I will get expelled from blogland now. Oh well That's My-y-y-y-y Story and I'-m-m Stickin To It !

I probably just got my last rewards when everybody reads this.Sh-h-h-h-h maybe they won't see it .

DesertHen said...

Oh my W.O.W...thank you for your kind words. I truely LOVE your blog and you!! Your blog was one of the first that I came across and I have been a daily ( well almost daily ) reader ever since. You and I have such similar lives....and I'm so thankful to call you my bloggy buddy....=D Love ya lady!!!

Oregontribal1 and I email weekly, chat through our blogs and guess what.....we don't talk on the phone that much. Maybe once a month. She has been my dearest, bestest friend for many, many years....we have actually known each other since childhood, but became best friends in Jr. High school.

I just love that angel photo....it is so BEAUTIFUL! Just as you are!

One never knows.....but maybe, just maybe we will meet some day.....Hayman talks about taking flyfishing trips into Oregon and Washington. ( You are on my radar......=)

Jenn said...

HI. I just loved this post. I also don't do well with the blogging rules and I guess that *coupled with the poor edit skills I posses* keeps me at the blogging line. I love your blog, I love your posts, and I think your living the American Dream (and nightmare at times)

Hope all is well.

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Anonymous said...

My friend and I were recently discussing about how we as human beings are so hooked onto electronics. Reading this post makes me think back to that debate we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory decreases, the possibility of downloading our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I daydream about every once in a while.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=http://cryst4lxbands.blog.com/2010/01/31/will-the-r4-or-r4i-work/]R4i[/url] DS NetBrowze)